Frequently Asked Questions

Do i have to book a studio session or can i turn up?

Please book your photoshoot in advance as i don’t accept walk-ins.

Whereabouts are you?

My studio is at the Chilvers Coton Craft Centre on Avenue Road in Nuneaton. There’s plenty of free parking available on site as well as a cafe and toilet facilities. My studio is on the front of the building, two doors down from the florist.

What do i need to bring to a photoshoot?

If there’s young children, please bring some of their favourite toys and snacks.

If you’ve booked a voucher session, please bring your voucher with you to your session.

I don’t tend to use props in my work, but if there is something really special you’d like to bring, please do so and we can incorporate it into the shoot.

What shall i wear to a photoshoot?

Great question! Its a tricky decision. Since these photos will last a lifetime, you want to make sure your entire family looks as good as possible. But at the same time, you also want them to look like themselves - not wearing stuffy clothes that makes them uncomfortable. I always recommend wearing clothing that makes you look and feel your best, which can be different for every person. Here’s a few wardrobe suggestions that will help.

  • Avoid clothing that’s heavily patterned, i.e stripes, polkadots, florals, paisley etc.

  • Bring a few different clothing choices so you have some options to work with.

  • Try to have everyone wear something of a similar theme or colour palette, so everyone wearing smart casual, all pastel colours, jeans and t-shirts,

  • Clothing that isn’t too tight or too loose

  • If your session is outside, please avoid too much green or black clothing.

  • Depending on the type of photoshoot you’re having, please take weather into consideration. Bring a coat incase we go outside to photograph, it may get a little chilly.

What happens it its raining or cloudy?

If it's a rainy day I am more than happy to re-schedule! I tend to be aware of what the weather forecast is at all times, so will email you a few days in advance of your photoshoot if I think we may need to postpone. Sessions on cloudy days will go ahead as scheduled, you would be surprised at how beautifully soft the light is on overcast days, which can make for really gorgeous photographs.

How do i get my photos?

Approximately 2 weeks after the session, you will receive an email with a link to view your photos through the website. You can download your digital images will through the website using the password given to you in your email. Although, my current packages include the digital images, I strongly recommend you to order prints through your gallery and have them printed with a professional lab. I DO NOT recommend kiosk machines such as Boots, Asda, Tesco and the like.  I cannot guarantee that photos ordered through these kiosk machines/third party companies will be to an acceptable standard.

Your print release will cover you to have the images printed for personal purposes: social media shares, email to family and friends, but it does not allow you to reproduce them for sale of any kind.    

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